Oct. 9-17
October 9, 1:00 pm ET
DI “Navigating Sustainable Tourism for Destinations: Aligning with the SDGs for a Better Future”
October 9, 1:00 pm ET
EF “Cycling the Liore Valley” https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YTgkBQRTRFiXFLPxEKfLjw#/registration
October 10, 10:00 am ET
NYSAE “Stronger Together: Game Changing Leadership Strategies to Erase Territorial Divides”
October 10, 11:00 am ET
IHLA “Can Sustainability be Profitable for Hotels?” https://www.linkedin.com/events/cansustainabilitybeprofitablefo
October 14, 12:00 pm ET
MPI “Engaging Your First-Time Attendees”
October 15, 11:00 am ET
ILHA “From Data to Delight: Elevating Hotel Experiences in Ancillary Revenue” https://www.linkedin.com/events/fromdatatodelight-elevatinghote7234328916939739137/
October 15, 12:00 pm ET
MPI “How to Repurpose Your Event Content Like a Pro”
October 15, 1:00 pm ET
AF “Understanding the Risks & Rewards of Generational Staffing”
October 16, 11:30 am ET
IAEE “Sales and Marketing Alignment Best Practices”
October 16, 1:00 pm ET
ASAE “An Ever-Evolving Boardroom: Examining the State of Association Governance”
October 17, 11:00 am ET
ILHA “Are You Ready for the Changing Luxury Traveler?” https://www.linkedin.com/events/7236506329526280192/