Oct. 23-30
October 23, 9:00 am ET
ASAE “Association Management System (AMS) Demo Days” https://www.asaecenter.org/meetings/114085
October 23, 11:30 am ET
IAEE “Behind the Scenes with Consumer Events: New York Comic Con” https://www.iaee.com/event/behind-the-scenes-with-consumer-events-new-york
October 23, 1:00 pm ET
MPI “Understanding Dietary Diversity”
October 28, 12:00 pm ET
MPI “Airfare Intelligence for Smarter Meeting Planning”
October 29, 10:00 am ET
ASAE “Keeping It Real with How Associations Get New Members and Sponsors”
October 29, 11:00 am ET
ILHA “Luxury Hospitality’s CO2 Footprint: Reduction though Sustainable Cleaning with the Right Product Concept”
October 29, 12:00 pm ET
MPI “How Can Business Owners Leverage Supplier Relationships to Enhance Their Competitive Edge and Profitability?”
October 29, 1:00 pm ET
DI “Media Impact Calculator for Destination Organization Websites” https://learningcenter.destinationsinternational.org/products/
October 30, 11:00 am ET
DI “How Destinations Can Win More Incentive Travel Business” https://learningcenter.destinationsinternational.org/products
October 30, 11:00 am ET
PCMA “Event Tech Test Drive”
October 30, 12:00 pm ET
MPI “Thoughts from TLS in Indy: Designing for Neurodiversity & Sustainable F&B” https://academy.mpi.org/live/4709/page/21398
October 30, 1:00 pm ET
AF “Interpreting the 2024 Association Forum Compensation Survey” https://www.pathlms.com/association-forum/courses/77563/webinars/55307