The Online Weekly Community Newspaper of Associations, CVBs, and Hotels

Digital Advertising

USAe-MAIL is published every Tuesday and Thursday. Rate includes logo, link and up to 50-words of text.

List Composition: Our audience is 100% opted-in association executives, corporate and independent meeting planners and
other industry executives from the CVB and hospitality sector. In total we have over 59,000+ unique registrants.

Metrics: USAeMAIL guarantees over 450,000 impressions per month.

Ad Specifications: Logos can be GIF or JPG 72-100 dpi, max width 700 pixels x 120-pixels deep.
7K maximum weight. Body copy limited to 50-words.

Merchandise Value-Addeds: Weekly after each ad runs, USAe will send advertisers a spreadsheet containing the following information:

Circulation, Total Received, Unique Opens, Open Rate, Total Opens, Total Clicks and Unique Clicks.

For all Unique Clicks, USAe will provide e-mail addresses for advertiser follow-up.

Find specs here


CAN-SPAM Disclaimer

The “click-through” e-mail addresses of individuals responding to your USAE-MAIL ad or e-blast provided by USAE’s E-Metrics Plus
are being sent to you as a courtesy.It is a violation of the federal CAN-SPAM Act to send unsolicited e-mails to individuals who have not
opted-in to receive email since recipients of e-mail must give Affirmative Consent to the sender.Accordingly, by accepting these USAE’s
E-Metrics Plus e-mail addresses you agree to only contact individuals associated with these email addresses by telephone or other
means until these individuals explicitly and affirmatively grant you permission to contact them by e-mail.

(c) 2023 USAE Inc.

 PO Box 15009

 Chevy Chase, MD 20825



[email protected]