The Online Weekly Community Newspaper of Associations, CVBs, and Hotels
Digital Advertising
USAe-MAIL is published every Tuesday and Thursday. Rate includes logo, link and up to 50-words of text.
List Composition: Our audience is 100% opted-in association executives, corporate and independent meeting planners and
other industry executives from the CVB and hospitality sector. In total we have over 59,000+ unique registrants.
Metrics: USAe–MAIL guarantees over 450,000 impressions per month.
Ad Specifications: Logos can be GIF or JPG 72-100 dpi, max width 700 pixels x 120-pixels deep.
7K maximum weight. Body copy limited to 50-words.
Merchandise Value-Addeds: Weekly after each ad runs, USAe will send advertisers a spreadsheet containing the following information:
Circulation, Total Received, Unique Opens, Open Rate, Total Opens, Total Clicks and Unique Clicks.
For all Unique Clicks, USAe will provide e-mail addresses for advertiser follow-up.
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